
Capturing CLARA by Sara Coffin Photography

office photo of CLARA Dermatology a woman owned business

Ever wonder how a brand is born? After all the work of ironing out our brand values and translating that into our aesthetic, the next important piece of the process is capturing photos that really reflect our brand. Enter Sara Coffin, of Sara Coffin Photography, a fellow woman-owned business. Collaborating with Sara has been an absolute joy, and her ability to capture the very essence of our brand through her lens is truly exceptional.

CLARA Dermatology was created to bring a different kind of skincare experience to patients. We combine high-quality, clinical treatments in a casual, cool space – where we love working and we know you’ll love visiting. Sara’s skill in storytelling through imagery is nothing short of amazing.

In Sara’s own words, as shared in her blog, she beautifully illustrates the process behind each session together. She seamlessly blended lifestyle and product photography, bringing life into our brand through her images. Her attention to detail is evident.

What struck us most is  her commitment to authenticity. Her photographs don’t just depict spaces; they tell stories. She possesses an innate ability to understand and capture CLARA Dermatology, translating our office into beautiful pictures. 

The collaboration between Sara Coffin Photography and CLARA Dermatology is more than a partnership; it symbolizes a shared vision and a celebration of women supporting women. To learn more about Sara’s blog and her photography business, click the link here!

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